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发布时间:2022-04-01 15:40:53

it’s a pity that __________________________- 真遗憾他过去竟然这样粗鲁。 2. It doesn’t interest me ______________________.(succeed )你成功与否,我不感兴趣。 下面就来看下今天小编给大家带来的英语句子最常用的主语(英语主语有哪些形式) 此外,文章还提供了更多相关的文章如英语里主语谓语的英语表达、英语的主语一共有哪些、英汉主语对比分析、英语学习用常用的句子(共3篇)

| ______________________________need immediate treatment in the hospital. (wound) 从前线带回来的伤员需要立刻在医院接受治疗。

| it’s a pity that __________________________- 真遗憾他过去竟然这样粗鲁。 2. It doesn’t interest me ______________________.(succeed )你成功与否,我不感兴趣。

| ___________________________ always reminds me of the earthquake.(sight)看到这些孤儿我

| 主语的形式选择: 名词、代词以及名词性的成分

| _________________ the air crash is a wonder. (survive) 她在飞机失事中幸存是一个奇迹。

| It would be wrong _________________________________________ ( consideration) 不把这个问题考虑进去是不对的。

| Don’t be hard on yourself. _____________________ what you have is the key to happiness.( content)不要对自己太苛刻,满足于你拥有的是幸福的关键。

| Many a boy and girl _______________________. 许多男孩女孩都犯了同样的错误。(mistake) 12. The girl as well as the boys ______________a car. 这姑娘和男孩子们一道,学会了开车。(learn)

| Whoever breaks the school rules ____________________________________________. (deserve) 任何违反校规的人都应该受到惩罚。

| ________________________ is sure to change as one puts it into practice. (whatever) 当一个人把它付诸于实践时,任何计划好了的事情定会发生改变。


| 短语作主语,如:How to do well is an important question.

| 代词(英语中能做主语的代词有:)

| 主语从句,如:That the earth goes/moves aroud the sun is truth.

| ⑤.可作主语的词性有3种:名词:plane, paper, desk。数词:one, two。代词:he, she, I。


| 在感叹句中,主语在感叹部分后面,因为感叹句是倒装句。

| How I wish to join you!

| 在并列句中,注意并列句是由两个或两个以上的简单句构成的。

| Here comes the bus.

| 在一般疑问句中,主语位于次要动词(包括be动词、助动词、情态动词)之后(there be 句型例外)。试看:

| Come to my home if you have time.(主句是祈使句,无主语,条件状语从句的主语是you)

| Were the students working in the fields at that time?

| Bread and milk are necessary for life.(主语是bread and milk,并列主语)

| 疑问词或疑问词部分(作主语) +谓语动词+其它

| What exciting thing made you so excited?

| 在复合句中,注意主句、从句都有各自的主语、谓语。(主句是祈使句例外)如:

| How many students want to join the club?

| Does your father drive his car to work?

| To say is easier than to do.

| Has Mr. Wang ever been to Beijing?

| Here they are.

| How beautiful these flowers are!

| I like the first one.The second is for my little brother.

| Is your sister good at singing?

| To play in the street is dangerous.

| What kind of animal does your brother like best?

| 动词不定式或不定式短语作主语。如:

| Do/Does/Did+主语+动词原形

| Can she sing English songs?

| Do you know if he is interested in science?(主句主语是you,宾语从句的主语是he)

| What a good time the students are having!

| Are English and French spoken in Canada?

| Eating lots of vegetables is good for your health.

| 一般疑问句的常见句式如下(初中部分):

| Come here earlier and get back your bag.(并列句,前后简单句都是祈使句,无主语)

| Whose father works in the factory?

| 名词、名词短语或相当于名词的短语。

| Our monitor,Li Ming, is a good student.(主语是our monitor,Li Ming 只是主语同位语)

| Do you know the man who she is talking to?(主句主语是 you,定语从句的主语是she)

| What’s the weather like in Hainan in winter?


| It is +n +that 从句

| it” 作形式主语:当表语为 no use,no good,no harm,any good,fun等名词或useless,nice,good,interesting,worthwhile等形容词时,句首常用it作形式主语,动名词后置。句型常用于说明“某种活动或某件事情如何”

| 作主语时,通常表示一般性的无时间性的东西。而不定式表示某一种具体的动作。

| It is +过去分词+that 从句


| 否定含义的副词或介词短语在句首时。

| 有些否定含义的连词在句首时, 主谓要倒装。常见的有:nor , not only…but also… , not until … , hardly…when… , no sooner…than…

| 如果主语有两个以上的名词组成,由and, both…and 连接两个名词做主语,就相当于汉语中的“和”,这时主语一般要看作复数。

| 常用句型:副词So + be /助动词/情态动词+主语(此结构表示“也”)

| 如果主语只有一个不可数名词,但名词前有多个修饰语时,由and 连接的前置并列修饰语+不可数名词做主语,这时主语一般要看作复数。

| 表示地点方向的副词放在句首时,主谓完全倒装,主语在实义动词之后:

| as从句中如果没有副词,就把实义动词提到as前。

| 不规则变化。have——has be——am/is/are

| 表示地点方位的介词短语在句首时, 主谓常倒装,主语在时间副词之后。

| "Stop thief ! Stop thief !" The cry is taking by a hundred voices, ... Away they fly, splashing through the mud, up go the window, out run the people. ( Dickens )

| ②带谓语的感叹句,其主语的位置用结构示意图表示:

| There be句型属于完全倒装,主语在be动词之后:

| ③由each…and each…,every…and every… ,no…and no…, many a… and many a…连接名词作主语,这时整个主语要看作单数。

| 在so / such …that…引导的结果状语从句中, 若把so / such…部分提到句首,

| so / such...that结构中的so或such位于句首可以构成部分倒装句,表示强调so /such和that之间的部分。

| 感叹句中, what和how 感叹的名词、形容词或副词要提到主语前。

| as从句中谓语是实义动词+副词时,要把副词提到as前。

| not once , not often , not ever , not a single 等在句首时。

| ①as也可以表示前面所说的情况也适用于另一人或物,结构为:Such + be /助动词/情态动词+主语(此结构表示“也”)

| 由and 连接的两个疑问代词、不定式、动名词作主语。

| "Stop thief! Stop thief!" There is a magic cry in the sound. The tradesman leaves his counter, ... Away they run, pell—mell, helter—skelter, yelling—screaming, ...

| 为了强调或保持平衡, 有时把表语(adj. / adv. / prep.短语 / 非谓语动词)提到句首, 主语和系动词要倒装。(表语+be 主语)

| 祝愿句:May +主语+动词原形

| Only修饰副词, 介词短语, 状语从句在句首时。

| 以“辅音字母+y”结尾,变y为i,再加-esfly-fliesstudy-studies


| MayItakeyourbaforyou?

| JohnhopedthepassengerwouldbeMaryandindeeditwasshe.(she做主语补语)

| WhatcanIdoforyou?

| It’verykindofyou?

| Wouldyoulikemetocallataxiforyou?

| Don’tmentionit.

| Thankyouverymuch.

| Isawherwiththem,atleast,Ithoughtitwasher.

| Welcometoourhotel,sir(madam).欢迎光临我们酒店,先生(小姐)

| That’sallright.



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