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发布时间:2022-04-03 10:53:28

do you have vegetarian dish? 你的牛排要如何烹调? 下面就来看下今天小编给大家带来的美食朋友圈的精美句子英语(美食的英语短句) 此外,文章还提供了更多相关的文章如

| well done (medium/rare),please. 我想要喝法国红酒。

| do you have vegetarian dish? 你的牛排要如何烹调?

| do you like chinese dishes?你喜欢中国菜吗?

| how do you like your steak? 全熟(五分熟/全生)。

| 4,would you tell me where the chinese restaurant is?请你告诉我中国餐厅在哪里?

| the food is too salty.菜太咸了。

| what would you recommend?有什么建议?

| when are the restaurant opening hour / operating hour? 餐厅营业时间几点到几点?

| when do you start to serve dinner in the evening? (when is the restaurant open for breakfast?)

| have you ordered yet?你点过菜了吗?

| i’m on a diet.我在节食。

| here is the menu, sir.先生,这是菜单。

| what kind of food do you prefer? 你喜欢哪一类菜?

| you can be sure that we’ll try our best. 请相信我们会尽最大努力的。

| we have received many bookings and i cannot guarantee a table by the window.

| it’s very delicious.它的味道很好。

| no, no yet, i am waiting for a friend. i will order later.还没有,我在等一个朋友,稍后再点。

| i have to avoid food containing fat(salt/sugar). 餐厅是否有供应素食餐?

| could i have the menu , please?给我一份菜单好吗?

| i’m sorry. the tables by the window are all occupied. 对不起,靠近窗户的桌子全都有人了。

| what is the specialty of the house? 餐厅有今日特餐吗?


| Compared to found a new star, found a new dishes have more benefits for the happiness of mankind.与发现一颗新星相比,发现一款新菜肴对于人类的幸福更有好处。

| Bean curd with kelp, often eat in addition to disease.豆腐配海带,常吃除病害。

| This fine grain, coarse run stomach.精粮合口味,粗粮润肠胃。

| 已饥方食,未饱先止;散步逍遥,务令腹空。――苏轼

| 口腹之欲,何穷之有。每加节俭,亦是惜福延寿之道。――苏轼

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