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发布时间:2022-04-04 11:00:59

He was not busy yesterday。他昨日不忙。 下面就来看下今天小编给大家带来的一般过去时的句子变一般(一般过去时肯定句变否定句) 此外,文章还提供了更多相关的文章如一般过去时to be句型

| The woman sent her thanks to the old man。

| He was not busy yesterday。他昨日不忙。

| 我们昨日在一齐。We were together yesterday。

| Old Henry wasn’t happy last Friday。 上星期五老亨利不高兴。

| How was his father last week? 他父亲上周怎样样?

| We often played together when we were children. 我们小时候常在一起玩。

| 安妮在早上唱歌了。Ann sang this morning。

| We did not have a good time yesterday。我们昨日没有玩好

| 她去年上年级。She was in Gradelast year。

| At that time she was very good at English. 那时她英语学得很好。

| 一般过去时并不难,表示过去动作、状态记心间。

| 这天早晨,我跟朱丽亚说了几句话。I had a word with Julia this morning。

| 他昨日不忙。He was not busy yesterday。

| There was a park near our school。

| Who taught you ,when you were young?

| 那些日子他总是工作到深夜。He always worked into night those days。

| I spent my summer vacation in Shanghai last year。

| I had dinner with my friends last night。昨晚我和朋友们一齐吃晚餐。

| What did he buy yedterday?

| I cried at home last night。

| He was here just now. 他刚才还在这里。

| He didn’t have classes this morning。他这天上午没上课

| He bought a pen。

| What time did you get up yesterday ?你昨日几点起床?

| 一般过去时也译为单纯过去时,是初一下学期的一个重要教学资料。在学过了一般此刻时和此刻进行时后,很多同学会把这三种时态弄混。现从一般过去时的句型、用法总结如下:

| He was in Beijing last year。

| He always worked into night those days。那些日子他总是工作到深夜。

| Beijing held the Olimpic Games in 。

| 一般过去时最明显的现象就是常由表达过去之时光的副词或副词短语来修饰它(如各例句的斜体字部分)。这些常用于修饰一般过去时的副词有:

| 艾米早就上网了。Amy surfed the before。

| What did you do yesterday? 你昨天做了什么事?

| We usually played together。 我们通常一齐玩。

| She got lost just now。

| I was in the classroom yesterday morning. 昨日早上我在教室里。

| He was busy yesterday。他昨日很忙

| 那男孩把眼睛张开了一会儿,看看船长,然后就去世了。The boy opened his eyes for a moment,looked at the captain,and then died。

| Soon two policemen in a police car came and arrested the thief。

| 几分钟前他们还在那里。They were here only a few minutes ago。

| When I was young ,I liked playing gootball,

| He played basketball on the playground yesterday。昨日他在操场上打篮球。

| 我以为你病了呢。I thought you were ill。

| Lots of students took part in the lecture yesterday。

| 他这天上午没上课。He didn’t have classes this morning。

| Whenever we were in trouble, he would help us. 每当我们遇到困难,他都会帮助我们。

| He used to smoke a lot, but he doesn’t now. 他过去经常抽烟,但现在不抽了。

| 托尼已看过电影了。Tony saw a movie before。

| What did you do last Friday?

| I did my homeword yesterday。 我昨日做了家庭作业。

| How did you go there?

| The woman felt verygrateful to the old man。

| They were over there a moment ago. 刚才他们在那边。

| You didn’t do your best to do it。你没尽自已最大努力去做这件事

| 我不明白你在巴黎。I didn''t know you were in Paris。

| What did Li Lei do last weekend? 李雷上周末干什么了?

| When did you do to bed last night?

| I wasn't a student。

| The woman expressed her appreciation to the old man。

| How much did you cost?

| Did you go to school last Sunday?

| He said he would wait until they came back.过去时态,同学们都不陌生的吧,但如何能灵活运用就要靠同学们自己了。加油!

| I washed my face yesterday。

| 他昨日很忙。He was busy yesterday。

| The woman appreciated the old man very much。

| I was very tired last night。我昨晚很疲劳。

| I had a word with Julia this morning。这天早晨,我跟朱丽亚说了几句话。

| Ben已经吃过午饭了。Ben had lunch before。

| I caught my cat in the garden this morning。

| I got up at : yesterday。 我昨日:起床。

| 你两天前没来学校。You were absent from school two days ago。


过去时态肯定句的结构是:主语be动词(were/was) other。
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