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发布时间:2022-04-05 11:54:09

I spent an hour and _____ half doing homework. 下面就来看下今天小编给大家带来的冠词该放在句子的哪一段

| My father works two months _____ year.

| I spent an hour and _____ half doing homework.

| The two boxes are of _____ same size.

| Beijing has been chosen to host ______ 2022 Winter Olympics and Paralympics, which is a great encouragement to all Chinese.

| I have read this book many _____ time.

| Give your body and brain a rest by stepping outside for ________ while, exercising, or doing something you enjoy.

| I was born in ______1980s.

| 若单数可数名词前有such, what, many等词修饰,不定冠词应置于它们之后:

| Your brother is _____ English teacher, isn't he?

| Which country has _______ largest population?

| It took me half _____ hour to finish _____work.

| Nowadays, how we can take good care of ________ old is becoming a hot and serious topic.

| Open ______ door, please.

| Japan is______ Asian country.

| ② 在美国英语中,half 也可置于不定冠词之后:half an hour=a half hour 半小时。

| Tom wants to become _____Michael Jackson.

| Now, years later, this river is one of ________ most outstanding examples of environmental cleanup.

| 改错:Though I am busy with my study, I often imagine what my life will be like in the ten years.

| 不定冠词与副词quite, rather连用时,不定冠词通常置于其后,但若其后的名词前有形容词修饰,则不定冠词放在 quite, rather 之前或之后均可以:

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