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发布时间:2022-04-06 17:39:25

②在“Let’s…”句型中,其反意问句为“shall we”;在“Let us…”句型中,其反意问句应用“will you” 下面就来看下今天小编给大家带来的什么词没有不影响句子的结构英语(英语句子结构讲解ppt) 此外,文章还提供了更多相关的文章如英语句子结构和成分分析

| 引导限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句

| ②在“Let’s…”句型中,其反意问句为“shall we”;在“Let us…”句型中,其反意问句应用“will you”

| ________is no possibility________Bob can win the first prize in the match.

| 同位语从句:名词性从句考查的重点

| 【答案】A。【解析】Hardly…when是固定关联词组,意为 “一……就……” 类似的有: scarlely…when, no sooner…than, 因此正确答案为A。

| 【答案】B。【解析】这是个主从复合句,从句需要一个含 day在内的时间状语,特指的一天,其前应用介词on。

| 连接代词和连接副词不仅引出一个从句,而且还在从句中担任某个语法成分。

| ④How + adj. + a / an + n. +主语 + 谓语…!

| 对have / has / had作实义动词讲时,一般疑问句形式有两种:

| ②What + (adj.) + n.(复数 / 不可数名词) + 主语 + 谓语…!

| 用连接代词和连接副词引出的名词从句前面不要再加that。

| It was because of bad weather________the football match had to be put off.

| 助动词有do, does(一般现在时);did(一般过去时);am, is, are(现在进行时);was,were(过去进行时);shall / will(一般将来时);should / would(过去将来时);have / has(现

| what 和that引导名词性从句的差别

| 【答案】C。【解析】must+have+过去分词:表示对过去发生的事情的有把握的肯定猜测。must+动词原形:表示对现在发生的事情的猜测。must+be+doing:表示对现在正进行的动作或在此刻前一直在进行的动作的猜测。

| California’s agricultural supremacy dates from 1947. When its farm output first ________ any other state.

| Was________that I saw last night at the corner?

| Thomas Jefferson’s achievements as an architect rival his contributions ________ a politician.

| 连接的非谓语动词的形式必须一致

| 在一般现在时和一般过去时的问句中,实义谓语动词则保留原形状态。

| ___________the letter, I ran out of the room to the post office.

| 考查强调句型与相关句型的辨析

| ①What a/an + (adj.)+ n. + 主语 + 谓语…!

| 一条亘古不变的真理就是人们都应该体贴残疾人,而不是体贴政府。

| They talked about things and persons ____ they remembered in the school.

| ①肯定的祈使句表示请求时, 反意问句部分一般用“will you”或“would you”;表示邀请、劝诱时,反意问句部分一般用“won’t you”,但是,在否定的祈使句后面则用“will you”。

| It is the ability to do the job________matters not where you come from or what you are.

| 一般疑问句(General Questions)也称“Yes-no Questions” ),

| 一般说来,工厂多的地方空气污染就严重。

| 【答案】C。【解析】finish为及物动词,往往后边直接跟名词、代词或动名词,表示做完某项事或完成某项动作,故此句只有选C正确。此外,即使使用no sooner,但如果置于句首,谓语也必须倒装。因此本题答案为C。

| 当what用作连接代词,引导名词性从句时,可引导主语从句、表语从句和宾语从句(不可引导同位语从句);它本身在句中充当主语、宾语或表语。

| ①不管被强调部分中的名词是单数还是复数,其前的be只有 is和 was两种形式。

| Hardly had the minister finished his statement ___________ several reporters raised their hands and put forward a string of questions.

| 所连接的词或短语形式必须一致

| Was________his illness________he didn’t go to see the film?

| ⑵作其它意义时,要借助助动词do / does / did.

| ③How + adj. / adv. + 主语 + 谓语…!

| 情态动词有can / could; may / might; must; shall / should; will / would; need; dare; ought (to)。

| You ________ me because I didn't say that.

| 【答案】C。【解析】动词rival (比得上)要求比较二项结构相等。

| 【答案】C。【解析】动词exceeded (超过)要求比较的内容相当。C. 代词that用以指代比较的内容 “farm output”。

| 2008年奥运会举行的时间和地点已经确定下来了。

| ②被强调部分如果是“人”时,可以使用who / that。其他情况只能使用that。

| 对否定一般疑问句的回答要特别引起注意,要根据实际情况来回答,排除中文的干扰。

| 一般疑问句是要求用Yes或No 来回答的问句形式。

| Was it during the Second World War________he died?

| ⑴作为“有”讲时。例如:He has no brothers → Has he no brothers? / Does he have no brothers?


| 副词:adv. (Adverb) 表示动作的特征或状态的特征 5.动词:v. (Verb) 表示一种动作或状态

| 名词:n. (Noun) 表示事物或人得名称 1).可数名词 cn. :有单数形式和复数形式,可以用 a/an 来修饰 2).不可数名词 un. 没有复数形式,不可以用 a/an 来修饰

| 6 助动词“助”就是“帮助”谓语的意思,帮助构成疑问、否定、时态语态的等;是谓

| 代词:pron. (Pronoun).代替名词,数次等

| 不定冠词:a / an 8.介词: prep. (Preposition) 用在名词或代词前说明其与其他词的关系

| .系动词 : link v. :be ,seem, sound, feel,smell 等,其后加 adj.&n.做表语

| 助动词: aux v. :do ,have

| 及物动词 vt. 可以直接加宾语,而且必须有宾语(可以用于被动语态)

| 冠词:art. (Article) 用在名词前用于帮助说明其意义 1).定冠词: the

| 指示代词:this,that,these,those


| 表语:与系动词连用,一起构成谓语部分,说明主语的性质和特征。长在系动词之后。充当表语的有名词、代词、数词、形容词、副词、不定式、动名词、分词、介词短语从句等。

| ___ six years since I began to study English.

| I still remember the day. I first went to York on that day. (when)

| There must be____ near the factory.

| Seeing this, some comrades became very worried .

| 补足语:名词、形容词、副词、介词短语、分词、不定式等皆可做补足语。

| Do you know___?

| I want___ a teacher when I grow up.

| Tom said he ___ a good dream yesterday evening.

| That was how they were defeated.

| We all know ___ our duty to clean our classroom after school every day.

| She is the girl who sings best in my class.

| He found ___ very interesting to play with the little dog.

| Much interested, he agreed to give it a try .

| They went out ___ their old friends.

| We should not go there all the time. The place is quite pleasant.(让步)

| That is the fact.

| I found ___ difficult to work together with him.

| There is a wide river____ our village.

| It was in the library that I come today .

| He was tired. He went to bed.

| His job is____English.

| We’ll go to the great wall. It’s fine tomorrow. (条件)

| The teacher told us ____ late again.

| You can see these signs in a hospital. ___ can you see them?

| Put the book on the desk.

| I said it in fun .

| 主语+系动词+表语(S+V+P)

| The young man, ___ works in the office.

| That surprised the people in the room.

| He likes drawing at times when he isn’t working .

| The computer center, ___ last year, is very popular among students in this school.

| Anyway I won’t stop you from doing it .

| ___interesting work we are doing!

| Your son must be a clever boy, ___ he?

| I’ll return the book to you tomorrow .

| Have you met the person about whom he was speaking ?

| Our English teacher, ___ often helps us with study.

| ___ skirt is that on the chair?

| The nursery takes good care of our children .

| ___ in English in class every day is important.

| He told me the news.

| The woman with a baby in her arms is his other .

| Do you have anything ___?

| Whether we’ll go depend on the weather .

| Don't ___ excited.

| I’ll give the letter to him. I see him. (时间)

| I have a lot of work to do .

| 主语+谓语(及物)+宾语(S+Vt+O)

| I don’t know him.

| 主语+谓语+宾语+宾补(S+Vt+O+OC)

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