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发布时间:2022-04-06 20:11:01

3 blue sky only with the birds will have a life, don't let the sky bee lonely. 下面就来看下今天小编给大家带来的英语介绍鸟的句子(用英语描写小鸟的外貌) 此外,文章还提供了更多相关的文章如用英语描写小鸟、鸟鸣涧

| 鸟儿的歌声是大自然最动听的声音,让这声音永远回荡在我们 耳边.

| 3 blue sky only with the birds will have a life, don't let the sky bee lonely.

| 爱护鸟儿吧!不要让树木感到孤独. 模板,内容仅供参考


| 一条毛茸茸的大尾巴总是向上翘着,显得格外漂亮。


| Birds as dinosaurs;被视为恐龙的 鸟 (英文)

| He opened the cage and set the bird free.他打开 鸟 笼,放了 鸟 儿。

| One of these birds is the robin.有一种 鸟 叫红襟知更 鸟 。

| Detection of antibodies against porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus(PRRSV) from bird s in Shanghai;上海地区野 鸟 和家禽中PRRSV抗体的血清学调查

| From War to Amalgamation :Looking at the Relationship Between Fish and Bird from the Designs on the Chromatic Pottery of Yangshao Culture;从鱼 鸟 相战到鱼 鸟 相融――仰韶文化鱼 鸟 彩陶图试析

| To trap, shoot, or catch birds.捕鸟、射鸟或捉鸟

| Destroy the nest and the birds will fly away .捣毁 鸟 巢, 鸟 儿飞掉。

| A bird' s wings enable it to fly. 鸟 的翅膀使 鸟 能飞。

| aquatic birds related to the loons.与潜 鸟 近缘的水栖 鸟 。

| free flight aviary雀 鸟 可自由飞翔的 鸟 舍

| Antiseptic and Insect-preventive Innovation of Making and Preserving the Stone Bird Specimens; 鸟 类剥制标本在制作和保存中防腐、防虫的技术研究

| A bird of the order Passeriformes.雀形目 鸟 雀形目的 鸟

| A Bird in the hand is worth than two in the Bush一 鸟 在手胜过双 鸟 在林

| To protect the bluebird's eggs and babies,要保护 鸟 蛋和幼 鸟 ,

| A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush .双 鸟 在林不如一 鸟 在手

蚊-鸟-蚊循环在西尼罗病毒传播中的作用研究:蚊― 鸟―蚊循环在西尼罗病毒传播中的作用研究
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