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发布时间:2022-04-07 21:36:05


下面就来看下今天小编给大家带来的描写袁隆平的句子英语(英语有关袁隆平的作文) 此外,文章还提供了更多相关的文章如介绍袁隆平英语作文简单、袁隆平夫人口罩上的话

| Yuan Longping, who was born in September, 1930, graduated from Agriculture Department in Southwest Agricultural Institute. 袁隆平 ,男,1930年9月出生于北京,1953年毕业于西南农学院农学系。

| Merit Scientists Engaging in Scientific Experiment for More Than 30 Years(Continued) YUAN Long-ping--the father of hybrid rice从事30多年科学实验的功勋科学家(续)――“杂交水稻之父” 袁隆平 事迹的启迪

| the Chinese scientist, Yuan Longping, is a leading figure.中国科学家 袁隆平 是一位重要人士。

| Yuan Yiping袁毅平

| Yuan Longping was born and brought up in China. 袁隆平 生长在中国。

| Academician YUAN Long-ping Won the 2004 World Food Prize 袁隆平 院士荣获2004年度世界粮食奖

| Yuan Longping's rice was exported to other countries, 袁隆平 研制的水稻还出口到其他国家

| On Ci-xue Appearance of Qianlong Ci-tan--Centering on the Study of Yuan Mei's Ci-xue Activities略论乾隆词坛的词学面貌――以袁枚词学活动考论为中心

| On Yuan Guoping s Thoughts of Army-Political Work;论袁国平的军队政治工作思想

| The President of the Philippines Issued and Conferred a Certificate of Merit upon Academician Yuan Longping菲律宾总统给 袁隆平 院士颁发嘉奖状

| Today, Yuan's special rice plant is used in many countries, including America.今天, 袁隆平 的特种水稻已被很多国家采用,包括美国。

| Yuan Mei and the School of Gaomi: the Split and Division of Poetics in Qianlong Era;袁枚与高密派:乾隆时期诗学流派的交融与分野

| Yuan is the most famous 'rice scientist' in China. 袁隆平 是中国最著名的“水稻科学家”。

| Yuan is still trying to improve his rice plant. 袁隆平 仍然在努力改进他的水稻产量。

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