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发布时间:2022-04-08 13:43:45

It is perfectly normal to make mistakes if you want to try something new. 下面就来看下今天小编给大家带来的练习写英语句子的英语(如何写好英语句子高中) 此外,文章还提供了更多相关的文章如赢在写作高中英语写作周周练、英语句子书写格式范文

| Although it seems education of the mind is what education is about, education of the heart is.

| It is perfectly normal to make mistakes if you want to try something new.

| The heart of education is the education of the heart, not the mind.

| It is impossible to try anything new without making a mistake.

| If you want to try something new, be prepared to make mistakes.

| Education of the heart is more important than that of the mind.

| If you want to try something new, you are very likely to make mistakes.

| Trying something new is always accompanied by making mistakes.

| Making mistakes is inevitable/unavoidable in trying new things.


| 5大基本句型是普通规律,具体运用的时候是具体的句型,所以学会了5大基本句型后,要进行具体的句型训练,目的是进一步掌握5大基本句型和掌握具体句型。

| S+V+O+O(主谓间宾直宾)

| 世界是运动的、可描述的,所以有S+V句型。

| 进行替换词练习,以便掌握具体的句型


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