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发布时间:2022-04-09 11:04:59

A True Masterpiece though not the Farewell――A Discussion on XU Ning's "Lushan Waterfall"虽非绝唱 确是佳篇――徐凝《庐山 瀑布 》诗琐议 下面就来看下今天小编给大家带来的描写瀑布的简单英语句子

| The water of the lake pours out over a big waterfall.湖水从大 瀑布 处泻出。

| A True Masterpiece though not the Farewell――A Discussion on XU Ning's "Lushan Waterfall"虽非绝唱 确是佳篇――徐凝《庐山 瀑布 》诗琐议

| The beauty of the waterfall is beyond description. 瀑布 的美是无法形容的。

| Brady reports that the waterfall effect of stock index futures in 1987 is an important reason why the U.布雷迪报告认为股指期货的 瀑布 效应是1987年美国股灾的重要原因。

| waterfall flow瀑布流

| Waterfall effect瀑布效应

| This is Niagara Falls.这是尼亚加拉大 瀑布 。

| for the smaller cascades had disappeared, while big waterfalls had become small ones.小 瀑布 不见,大 瀑布 变小了。

| In spring there are many waterfalls on the mountain.春天山上有许多 瀑布 。

| The Waterfall Aviary has the highest man-made waterfall in the world. 瀑布 鸟舍拥有世界最高的人造 瀑布 .

| Victoria Falls Summit维多利亚 瀑布 首脑会议

| cascade:a waterfall or a series of small waterfalls over steep rocks. 瀑布 :陡峭岩石上的一条 瀑布 或一系列小 瀑布 。

| Then, the numerical simulation has been made by pseudo-spectral method (PSM), and the waterfall plot of the wave was draw with Matlab.然后利用拟谱方法进行数值模拟,用Matlab软件绘制出非线性表面波的 瀑布 图,由此研究壁面变化对非线性表面波的影响。

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