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发布时间:2022-04-09 14:44:57

As he sang he kept time on a small drum. 下面就来看下今天小编给大家带来的用英语写出鼓的句子(鼓用英语怎么说复数) 此外,文章还提供了更多相关的文章如如何写好英语句子高中


| As he sang he kept time on a small drum.

| Her pink dress billowed out around her.

| Moe was having fun banging the drums and singing off-key.

| His stomach had grown more prominent with every passing year.

| His eyes seemed to bulge like those of a toad.

| It took me about two hours to pluck up courage to call.

| When you beat the drum, you feel good.

| She was backed by acoustic guitar, bass and congas.


| 5大基本句型是普通规律,具体运用的时候是具体的句型,所以学会了5大基本句型后,要进行具体的句型训练,目的是进一步掌握5大基本句型和掌握具体句型。

| 世界是静止的、可描述的,所以有S+V+C句型。

| 进行替换词练习,以便掌握具体的句型

世界不仅是运动的,而且是相互作用的,于是就有了S V O/S V O C/S V O O O的句式。
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