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发布时间:2022-04-12 13:47:17

Read, study and learn about everything imporant in your life点点滴滴皆重要,处处学习是诀 窍。 下面就来看下今天小编给大家带来的英语简单的句子加翻译(英文简单经典句子) 此外,文章还提供了更多相关的文章如300个英语句子带翻译和句子中的短语


| Read, study and learn about everything imporant in your life点点滴滴皆重要,处处学习是诀 窍。

| We like the needle on the surface,keep turning,turn,a time left in a hurry,powerless。 我 们像是表面上的针,不停的转动,一面转,一面看着时间匆匆离去,却无能为力。

| One percent of the waste of education work,will make the country suffered severe losses。 教 育工作中的百分之一的废品,就会使国家遭受严重的损失。


| recognize 认出 (recognition 承认) 238. regards 问候

| Please come over as soon as possible.

| Asian(NMET1996) 19. assistant 助手

| patience耐心 (patiently) 202. patient病人/耐心

| Please keep out of my room.

| excellent极好 (excellence n. excellently ad

| agreement 协议 10. agriculture农业 (agricultural adj. 农业的)

| translation 翻译 (translator翻译家,

| forward向前 120. freezing 极冷的 (frozen 冷冻的)

| normal 正常的191. obey (NMET1997) 192. obviously明显的

| generally (2000全国卷) 125. geography地理 126. Germany德国

| Be my pencil the same as yours?

| concert 音乐会55. conclude v. conclusion n. 结论56. condition情况 (conditions条件)58. congratulations 祝贺 (congratulate v.)

| disappointed失望 (disappointing 让人失望的)

| Try to keep out of trouble.

| You are supposed to be there.

| Hobbies are supposed to be relaxing.

| a rectangular groove cut into a board so that another piece can fit into it.

| restaurant 餐馆244. satisfaction满意 (satisfy, satisfied, satisfying)

| Bouncer to keep out undesirables.

| develop发展 (development n. developing 发展中的,developed发达的)

| total合计281. traffic 交通282. translated(NMET1998)

| To fit into or equip with a hilt or handle.

| spring 2. summer 3. autumn 4. winter

| frequently 经常地 122. furniture 家具 123. further进一步的

| Please serve us as quickly as possible.

| determined 有决心的

| handkerchief (handkerchiefs) 手帕

| industry工业 (industrial adj. 工业的) 143. information 信息

| 注意形容词变名词时的拼写变化

| "As soon as possible, M. Danglars;

| tear (tore, torn) 撕碎15. weave (wove, woven) 编织

| He actually supported my decision, although he knew I could do well in academia.

| You are required to fulfill these obligation as by law enact.

| Eric is full as an egg.

| do well in economic construction

| preparing(NMET1998) 准备

| A square thing does not fit into a round hole.

| remind提醒 240. repeat 重复 241. respect尊敬

| He was commonly supposed to be dead.

| continue继续62. contribution 贡献 (contribute v.)63. conveniently方便 (convenient adj.)64. conversation 谈话65. coughing(NMET1997)

| 一旦克服了这些困难, 工作进展就快了。

| seek (sought, sought) 寻求9. shake (shook, shaken) 发抖

| roof (roofs) 房顶 6. stomach 胃 (其复数是stomachs而不是加es)

| introduce介绍 (introduction n.)151. irregular 不规则的

| freeze (froze, frozen) 结冰

| attentively(NMET1996)26. attitude 态度27. attract 吸引 (attraction吸引力)

| beyond超过34. biology生物35. birthday生日36. bravery 勇敢

| Be it supposed to rain today?

| succeed―success成功 2. pronounce―pronunciation 发音

| Saturday(NMET1998 247. scientific 科学的 248. scientific科学的

| altogether总共 12. ancient 古代的 13. announce(NMET1999)

| society 社会 (social adj. 社会的)

| Please expedite shipment as soon as possible.

| Our classroom has as many window as theirs.

| familiar熟悉的 数)

| I fell the same as you.

| experience 经验 (experienced 有经验的) 107. expert 专家

| January 2. February 3. March 4. April 5. May 6. June 7. July 8. August

| high―height 高度 4. strong―strength力量

| practical―practically 实际的4. particular―particularly 特别的

| Monday 2. Tuesday 3. Wednesday4. Thursday5.Friday 6. Saturday 7. Sunday

| expression 表达 109. failure 失败 (fail v.)

| journey旅程 153. judge判断 (judgment) 154. kindergarten幼儿园

| astronaut 宇航员22. atmosphere气氛

| employ 雇用 (employment n. employer 雇主,employee雇员)

| straight(NMET1997)269. suitable合适的270. support支持

| long―length 长度 2. wide―width 宽

| be supposed to do sth.

| surprise吃惊272. surround 包围273. swimming(NMET1998)

| September 10.October 11. November 12. December

| challenge 挑战45. character 性格46. charge收费

| modern现代的 180. monitor 班长/监控183. musician 音乐家

| get sth. done as quick as possible

| That is the same as 2 villagers.

| To join by or fit into a gain.

| energy能量 94. envelope 信封

| spread (spread, spread) 传播13. swim (swam, swum) 游泳

| loss损失 (lose, lost 是其动词形式) 162. luckily幸运地

| umbrella伞 286. unusually不寻常 (unusual不寻常的)

| To fit into a socket or mortise.

| apologize v. 道歉 (apology n. 道歉apologetic adj. 道歉的,apologetically

| What a child should do, above all, is to do well in his studies

| difference 不同点 (有复数形式)

| separately单独地 252. separates (NMET1998)

| favorite 最喜爱的 (即作形容词也作名词,作名词时有复

| It seems as if he knows everything.

| attempt尝试 (可作名词也可作动词)24. attentively 专心地

| 注意形容词变副词时的拼写变化

| beauty 美 (beautiful)32. believe相信 (belief n. 信念,其复数是beliefs)

| accepted (NMET1997) 4. accident事故 (accidental adj. 偶然的,accidentally adv.

| customer 顾客71. customers (2000北京春季卷)72. custom习俗

| European 欧洲人 101. event事件

| As you have done so many good things for me,it is at least i can do to help you in return.

| offering (2000全国卷) 194. operation手术

| You must keep out of sight .

| victory胜利 294. vocabulary词汇

| cousin表兄弟67. cruelty 残酷 (cruel adj. cruelly adv.)

| Keep out of a quarrel

| I avoided him as much as possible.

| Wendy Torrance: As soon as possible.

| A lion would fit into the mouth of a blue whale.

| poisonous 有毒的 (poison) 213. political 政治的 (politics)

| disturb打扰86. dollar美元 (其复数是dollars)

| Let me know as soon as possible.

| material物质/材料 173. measure测量

| keep out the cold

| Keep out of sight!

| He was keenly resolved to do well in the examination.

| Will it fit into this size of box?

| temperature温度277. theory 理论278. thirsty口渴

| pretend假装 224. professor 教授

| picnic (picnicked, picnicking) 野餐

| institute学院 146. instrument 仪器 147. interest 兴趣

| equipment设备 98. especially 尤其是

| encourage鼓励 (encouraging, encouraged,encouragement n.)

| The show is supposed to be good.

| broadcast (broadcast, broadcast) 广播2. flee (fled, fled) 逃跑

| empty倒空 (可用动词,其过去式是emptied)

| disappointment 失望84. discovery 发现

| messages (2000全国卷) 177. metal 金属

| quantity数量234. receive 收到235. recently(NMET1999)

| inspire激励 (inspiration n. inspiring, inspired)

| Then phone as soon as possible.

| spring(NMET1997)266. square 平方267. stolen(2000全国卷)

| enter―entrance进入 6. permit―permission 允许

| check / examine/ test 2. receive / accept

| handkerchiefs (2000北京春季卷) 133. honesty 诚实 (honest)

| America must keep out of this war.

| immediate (2000北京春季卷) 137. immediately马上

| government(NMET1996) 128. gradually逐渐地

| possibility(-ies)可能性 (possible 可能的)

| medal 奖章 (比较:model 模型)

| Keep out of mischief.

| Students who do well in examinations are the ones who ask questions in class.

| damage损坏75. delicious 美味76. destroy毁灭 (其过去式是destroyed)

| She was resolved to do well in the factory.

| Windows were screened to keep out mosquitoes.

| upstairs(2000全国卷)289. upstairs楼上290. vacation假期

| sing (sang, sung) 唱歌11. sink (sank, sunk/sunken) 下沉

| His attitude is the same as ever.

| regret (regretted, regretting) 后悔2. control (controlled, controlling) 控制

| downstairs楼下88. dream梦想 (其过去式是dreamed或dreamt)

| profit 利润 226. progress进步

| This stopper will not fit into the bottle .

| German (Germans) 德国人 2. gulf (gulfs) 海湾

| prefer (preferred, preferring) 宁愿6. refer (referred, referring) 提到

| cousin (同辈兄弟姐妹)5. aunt (女性长辈) 6. uncle (男性长辈)

| appreciate感激/欣赏 (感激人用thank sb;谢谢某人做的事用appreciate sth.)

| Would they fit into the new scheme of things?

| You are supposed to be smart.

| achievement成就 (achieve v. 获得) 6. address地址

| The scheme will do well enough in good hands.

| period 时期 207. permission许可

| market(2000全国卷) 168. marriage 结婚 (marry v. 结婚,married已婚的)

| anxiety 忧虑 (anxious adj. 焦急的,anxiously adv. 焦急地)

| 注意动词变名词时的拼写变化

| cinema电影院48. comfort v. & n. 安慰 (comfortable adj. comfortably adv.舒适地)49. comfortably(NMET1997)50. comment 评论51. communication 交流

| graduation毕业 (graduate) 130. grammar语法131. habits (NMET1997)

| Please speak as loud as possible.

| The size is about the same as the one above.

| Do not be alarmed you are supposed to lose.

| southern(2000全国卷)南方的263. special特别的

| 以-ic结尾的动词,应先把-ic变为-ick,再加ing或ed

| Hoping you"ll return as soon as possible.

| I fear I will not fit into any future.

| (of tempo) as fast as possible.

| persuaded(NMET1996) 210. physicist 物理学家

| Please write back as soon as possible .

| various各种各样的 (variety n. 种类)

| Are the rules the same as those of the pro?

| Keep out of reach of children.

| carefully 小心 (carefully)40. ceiling天花板

| manage 设法 (manager, management)

| He ran as soon as possible.

| I avoided him as much as possible.

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