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发布时间:2021-06-02 12:03:16

1、�DNeed we stay behind after school? �DYes, you must.

2、�DMay I stop here? �DNo, you mustn't.

3、�DNeed he go now? �DNo, he needn't.

4、 在答复must开始的一般疑问句时,肯定答复用must,否认答复用needn't或者don't have to. 如:


6、�DMust I attend the meeting? �DNo, you needn't(No, you don't have to). You can ask Tom to go instead.

7、it's the 17th of may用the 18th of may改写句子:Tomorrow is the 18th of may.it's the 17th of may.意思是:今天是5月17号。

8、在答复need开始的一般疑问句时,肯定答复用must,否认答复用needn't. 如:

9、�DMust I finish my homework before eight o'clock? �DYes, you must.

10、在口语中 can 可以替代 may 表明许可,但是 can 较随意,may 更正式。例:

11、�DMay I watch TV after supper? �DYes, you may. / No, you mustn't.


13、在答复may开始的一般疑问句时,肯定答复用may,否认答复用mustn't. 如:

14、答复以 may 开始的疑问句有如下表达法:

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