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发布时间:2021-06-04 14:10:36

1、I took part in a dancing party yesterday.我昨天参加了一个舞会。

2、His brother phoned me yesterday.他的哥哥昨天打电话给我。

3、I have been to Amerca last year.我去年到美国去了。

4、We ran 5 km yesterday.我们昨天跑了5千米。

6、He was very tired last night.他昨晚非常累。

7、He went to Taipei to see his father. 他昨晚去台北看他老爸

8、I met your sister last night.昨夜我遇到你姐姐

9、I wrote a letter to you.我写了一封信给你。

10、I ate an egg this morning.我今天早上食了一个蛋。

11、He danced a whole night yesterday.他昨晚跳了整晚的舞。

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