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发布时间:2021-06-04 14:57:23

1、 What's your dream job?

2、 If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

3、 Do you have anything fun planned for the weekend?

4、 What's your favorite food?

5、 Where's your favorite place to hang out in town?

6、 What's your favorite book?

7、 Do you have a favorite local restaurant?

8、 If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it?

9、 Have you ever met anyone famous?

10、 I can't place this song ― do you know it?

11、 What movie are you dying to see?

12、 Where is the best place you have ever visited?

13、 How long have you been at your job?

14、 How are you today?

15、 If you were stranded on a deserted island and you could have only one item, what would it be?

16、 What countries have you traveled to?

17、 I like your shirt! Where did you get it?

18、 What's your favorite drink?

19、 What's your favorite season?

20、 If you could invite a famous person over for dinner, who would it be?

21、 Tell me about something that made you laugh this week.

22、 Do you have any brothers or sisters?

23、 Do you prefer texting, calling, or emailing?

24、 What's the craziest thing you've ever done?

25、 What's your favorite movie?

26、 What's the last concert you went to?

27、 What's the first thing you do after work?

28、Where did you grow up?

29、 Did you hear about (something trending in the news)?

30、 If you could be an animal, what would you be and why?

31、 What's the craziest thing you've ever eaten?

32、 Do you have any pets?

33、 So, what's your story?

34、 What's your favorite holiday?

35、 Have you ever won anything?

36、 What is one thing you couldn't live without? Wine? Chocolate? Bread?

37、 Do you like to cook?

38、 What are you watching on TV?

39、 Do you speak any other languages?

40、 This place is awesome! Have you been here before?

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