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发布时间:2021-06-04 15:14:00

1、2, my love for you is not measured by the distance, no matterwhere you are, my heart is by your side. My love, you have toexperience.




5、20, the moon does have mood to me? Sun can light up yesterday's fire, I love flame still burns. Please give me a chance, letus regain our sweet time!

6、6, I can feel it! My wife if you tell me you don't love me anymore? Later won't haunt you every day, I know the horse's sweet!

7、12, our destiny is God's most beautiful opportunity, is the heart of print interpretation, is treating a mood, is deeply worryingand thick, Miss! Love you!

8、14, I took a morning sun, gently put it in your bed, when youwoke up, was filled with the tranquillity and calm of the morning, that's my good morning to you!

9、5, love you, love is not enough, just want to stay with you about holding your hand, weather with you; tangled to white for life together with you. Loved you for so long!

10、11, you worry, really silly to you, worry about you sad and sadhe, not heart flower heart, don't sweat suspected, I'm bothered writing it, scared of you was a mistake.



13、9, if you think of the people who used to love you, I'll never beone of them, if in this world there is no one to love you, then Imust die!

14、7, used to have a smile in my life, but finally dissipate like a fog, and that smile, became a raging river of my heart deeply buried.

15、 女朋友生气了哄她的话给她的英文留言

16、15, you know, I am a little naïve, kind of goofy, slightly awkward, slightly stupid, so it will be wrong to you. Adults have a lotof you and I don't care, you forgive me this time?



19、18, to say I love you, not on the lips of every day; v missing, nomoment sweet again and about the oath without Chase ends;have you by my side, every second makes me happy!



22、19, in the quiet of the night, sending you my warmest wishes,take away my deep thoughts, may my blessing to wash away your day's exertion, a good night to take you into the wonderful dream!

23、是星星,应该在天上;是种子,就应该落进土壤;是花苞,就应该努力绽放;是金子,就应该闪闪发光;加油,你会 成功 !



26、8, as stars, and should be in heaven is the seed, it should fall into the soil; bud, efforts should be made to bloom; gold, sparkling; come on, you will succeed!





31、17, look forward to each time the star filled sky. But it appearslike a fantasy. Sickness day by day, this irreparable proportionswhen moving day, when touched, when it touched you!


33、 英语作文朋友心情不好应该如何安慰他 60

34、遗落的日子不单叫过去,还有名字叫芬芳。因为无论嬉笑还是惆怅,都因越来越多的今天值得品味鉴赏,爱是最增值的 收藏 。

35、4, Acacia difficult also, emotions entangled, gathering in, tearsdry, bamboo bones a few thoughts unlimited, lyrics and cyclea few times.

36、3, have a romantic encounter, a pleasure to have met, there isa kind of happiness together, there is a yearning from the message when it is sent.

37、16, I am not the best! But I dare say I was best suited to livingwith you! I really like you, care for you. Want you to marry me,I will always be your guardian angel!


39、1, no matter how distant geographical boundaries, my dear! Think you distance between each heart beat!

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