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发布时间:2021-11-30 10:26:07

挤不进的世界就别挤了,何必为难了自己作贱了自己。 下面就来看下今天小编给大家带来的手帐英文句子简单(手帐英文短句霸气) 此外,文章还提供了更多相关的文章如写在手帐上的英文句子带翻译、适合做手帐的英语句子、适合写手帐的英文句子图片

| 人间孤独,与你共度。你和时间,共享我一生。

| 挤不进的世界就别挤了,何必为难了自己作贱了自己。

| 不管前方的路有多苦,只要有的方向正确,不管多么崎岖不平,逗比站在原地更接近幸福。

| 习惯了,是一个很强大的词,可以代替所有的一言难尽。

| 我若成佛,天下无魔。我若成魔,佛奈我何。


| Learning is like rowing upstream, not to advance is to drop back.学习如逆水行舟,不进则退。

| If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn’t lead anywhere.太容易的路,可能根本就不能带你去任何地方。

| People cry, not because they're weak. It's because they've been strong for too long.哭泣,不代表脆弱,只因坚强了太久。

| Sometimes fleeting is eternal, perhaps in casual corner, will meet spring flowers.有些时候稍纵即逝便是永恒,也许在不经意的转角,会遇见春暖花开。

| If you are not brave enough, no one will back you up.你不勇敢,没人替你坚强。

| I have everything what I want except you.除了你我什么都不缺。

| Take time to enjoy the simple things in life.慢慢享受生活中的简单。

| There's no one I'd rather be than me.除了我自己,我不愿作任何人。

| Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.就地开始,用你所有的,做你所能做的。

| Every new day is another chance to change your life.每天都会是改变命运的机会。

| Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.成功就是日复一日那一点点小小努力的积累。

| When in doubt, just take the next small step 坚持不下去的时候,再坚持一会儿。

| Try and fail, but don't fail to try.尝试后可能会放弃,但千万不能放弃尝试。

| Time will bring a surprise, if you believe.时间会带来惊喜,如果你相信的话。

| Some things are so important that they force us to overcome our fears.总有些更重要的事情,赋予我们打败恐惧的勇气。

| One day someone will walk into your life, then you realize love was always worth waiting for.有一天那个人走进了你的生命,你就会明白,真爱总是值得等待的.

| No dream is too big, and no dreamer is too small.梦想再大也不嫌大,追梦的人再小也不嫌小。

| Love alone could waken love!只有爱才能唤醒爱。

| Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.生活一直都很简单,但是我们也一直都忍不住要把它变得很复杂。

| Life is too short for us to wake up in the morning with regrets.人生苦短,所以每天不要带着遗憾醒来。


| One who would pick the roses must bear with the thorns.采摘玫瑰的人必须忍受荆棘。

| 过往不恋,未来不迎,当下不负,如此安好。Past love, future not welcome, present not negative, so good.

| Because of your smile, you make life more beautiful. (Thich Nhat Hanh)因为你的微笑,让世界变得更加美丽。

| If you are not learning something new every day, you are wasting away days of your life.--如果每天不学点新的东西,就是在浪费生命。

| You must be the change you wish to see in the world.(Mahatma Gandhi)你应该做出你希望在世界上看到的改变。

| Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it. (Confucius)每个事物都有它的美,但不是每个人都能看得见。

| You may delay, but time will not. (Benjamin Franklin)你可以拖延,但时间不会。

| Never fell in love and not look back, we are all the way. 从此不再相恋不再回头,我们就都一路好走。

| nothing is impossible for a willing heart.心之所愿,无所不成。

| Under the sun of the bubble, is colored, just like every day, I am happy.阳光下的泡沫,是彩色的,就像每天的我,是幸福的。

| There is time for everything.任何时候只要你想开始,都不算太晚。

| Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect.It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.--快乐不代表一切都很完美,它意味着你决定去忽略那些不完美。

| Change your life today. Don't gamble on the future, act now, without delay. (Simone de Beauvoir) 从今天起改变你的生活,不要押注于未来,立即行动,不要拖延。

| Everyone was the same, and also unique; and that this was the dilemma of being human. 每个人都是一样的,也是独一无二的;这就是人类的困境。

| Don’t be jealous of others. Because you never know how much you will get in the next second.不用羡慕别人,因为你不知道你下一秒会获得多少。

| It was not a life, if lived without love. 如果活着没有爱,那这不叫生活。

| Time heals almost everything. Give time time.时间几乎会愈合所有事情。请给时间一点时间。

| The greatest gift of life is frienship,and I have received it.生命中最棒的礼物就是友谊,并且我已收获了。

| It is better to light one candle than to curse the darkness.(Chinese Proverb)与其诅咒黑暗,不如点亮一支蜡烛。

| The secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes.(Benjamin Disraeli)人生成功的秘诀在于一个人在机会来临时做好准备。

| Always some wisp sadly belongs to you.总有一缕悲伤属于你。

| 想你的时候有些幸福,幸福得有些难过。When I miss you, I feel happy and sad.


| 英文:We are all too young, a lot of things don't yet know, don't put the wrong loves when gardeners.中文:我们都太年轻,很多事都还不了解,别把错爱当恩宠。

| 英文:The way of the time is the single car, never sell FanChengPiao.中文:时间的路是单程车,从来不卖返程票。

| 英文:Only opposed every day, will live the strong than you imagine.中文:每天只有逞强着,才会活得比你们想象中的坚强。

| 英文:We are all were, blurred our closest happiness.中文:我们都是“远视眼”,模糊了离我们最近的幸福。

| 英文:Would a man running in the rain, also don't want to put into the arms of the false.中文:宁愿一个人在雨中奔跑,也不愿投入你那虚伪的怀抱。

| 英文:Life is not waiting for the storm in the past, but learning to dance in the wind and rain.中文:生活不是等着暴风雨过去,而是学会在风雨中跳舞。

| 英文:To give you a lot of freedom, may I let you have more waiting reason to leave.中文:给了你很多自由,可能我的守候让你更有离开的理由。

| 英文:My world, you don't care; Your world, I was cast out.中文:我的世界,你不在乎;你的世界,我被驱逐。

| 英文:The life most of the time, commitments equals to constrain, reluctantly we yearn for bound.中文:人生的大部份时间里,承诺同义词是束缚,奈何我们向往束缚。

| 英文:Important people, less and less people left more and more important.中文:重要的人越来越少,留下来的人越来越重要。

| I'm just a sunflower, waiting for belong to me only sunshine.中文:我只是一朵向日葵,等待属于我的唯一的阳光。


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