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发布时间:2021-12-08 22:31:37


下面就来看下今天小编给大家带来的适合说英语句子的游戏(英语练句型游戏) 此外,文章还提供了更多相关的文章如小学英语句子操练游戏、初中英语课堂游戏100例、英语启蒙小游戏

| 有一定的阅读文本量。把炉石调成英文版就嚷嚷“我在学习”的同学们可以洗洗睡了。当然文本量也不能太多,否则打击积极性。前段时间我在死磕的Age of decadence就是一个极端反例:


| 空中拦截(stand on the newspaper)

| 过山车(get on the train)

| 钓鱼 (catch fish)

| 找帽子(where is it?)

| 串项链(necklace)

| 猜拳 stone, scissors and clothes

| 篮球比赛(play basketball)

| 切西瓜(cut the watermelon)

| 猜猜我是谁:(who am I)

| 魔力手指(magic finger)

| 向左走向右走(Left right)

| 身体字母(body letters)

| 魔法棒(magic sticks)

| 传球(pass the ball)

| 接力赛(relay race)

| 警察抓小偷(policeman and thief)

| 下命令(up and down)

| 抓人(catch you)

| 接力(relay race)

| 翘翘板 play on the see-saw

| 找偶像 (you are my idol)

| 和卡片跳舞 dance with cards

| 无敌转转转(turn turn)

| 坐卡片(sit on the card)

| 考考你的记忆力(good memory)

| 抢椅子(get the chair)

| 冰糖葫芦(one by one)

| 藏小手 hide the hands

| 数字的学习(numbers)

| 钓鱼(catching the fish)

| 放风筝 fly a kite

| 模仿秀 imitate show

| 火眼金睛(eyes and ears)

| 跳一跳(jump and say)

| 找宝藏(hide and seek)

| 举重比赛(heavy and heavy)

| 听名字(whose name?)

| 老狼,老狼,几点了? Wolf, wolf, what’s the time?

| 心有灵犀(say and do)

| 猜声音 guess the sound

| 背靠背 (back to back)

| 时间的学习(what time is it?)

| 耳听八方(listening and hearing)

| 运气球 pass the balloons

| 幸运儿(lucky dog)

| 蜘蛛侠 Spiderman

| 二人转 turn and turn

| 点手掌(catch the finger)

| 争分夺秒(urgent task)

| 抢汉堡 (who can eat the hamburger?)

| 大小声 opposite tune

| 丢手帕(where is the handkerchief)

| 方向感(face to face)

| 友谊之圈(friendship circle)

| 抽卡片读单词(choose the card)

| 字母滚雪球(collect the letters)

| 排雷(where is the bomb?)

| 淘汰赛(we are the same)

| 跳高(jump and say)

| 小和尚挑水(carry water)


| Possible or impossible(可能还是不可能)

| 21 questions(21问)

| Can you guess it?(猜猜看)

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