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发布时间:2021-12-09 10:59:41

The limitations of the traditional methods of limiting surge current , such as bigger energy consumption, second surge current and function failure are pointed out.指出了功耗大、二次浪涌和功能不动作是传统限制浪涌电流方法的缺陷。 下面就来看下今天小编给大家带来的涌浪的句子(什么浪潮什么涌来造句) 此外,文章还提供了更多相关的文章如

| Lilies and jasmines surge up on the crest of the waves of light.百合与茉莉在光波的浪花上翻涌。

| The limitations of the traditional methods of limiting surge current , such as bigger energy consumption, second surge current and function failure are pointed out.指出了功耗大、二次浪涌和功能不动作是传统限制浪涌电流方法的缺陷。

| The ship pounded through heavy seas.船在汹涌的海面上破浪前进。

| surge current浪涌电流

| The restraining surge current of capacitor using transformer;利用变压器抑制电容浪涌电流

| The ship split in two under the force of the stormy waves.汹涌的巨浪把船打成了两半。

| An anti-surge test on power supply of DC-port of communication equipment;通信设备二次电源DC口的防浪涌测试研究

| Long wave rolling in from the sea(涌向海滩的)长形巨浪

| Explicit Formula for Calculating Surges in Throttled Surge Tank Following Load Rejection;阻抗式调压室甩负荷 涌浪 计算显式公式

| Research on propagation and climb height of surge triggered by landslide in reservoir;水库库岸滑坡 涌浪 的传播与爬高研究

| Surge Immunity Test of the Electronic Equipment;电子产品的(雷击)浪涌防护标准及测试

| To roll and break. Used of waves.涌起,卷起卷,突然转向。用于形容浪

| characterized by great swelling waves or surges.以巨大、翻滚的波浪或者汹涌为特点。

| waves rolling in to the beach涌向海滩的滚滚浪涛.

| rush current浪涌电流

| billowy storm clouds; the restless billowing sea; surging waves.翻滚的暴风云;永无休止汹涌的大海;汹涌的波浪。

| voltage surge电压浪涌


| 这一天,他经历了太多的人生起伏,经历了太大的情感波折;直到此刻,他的内心仍旧翻波涌浪,丝毫不能平静。

| 在涌浪区中稚鱼拟态一些海猪鱼属的小型线班隆头鱼或高身雀鲷。

| 遇到涌浪大的夜晚,时常一夜未眠,尝试着各种睡姿,终究无法安稳,听说,在这个时候有些战士用腰带将自己绑在床栏杆上。

| 他当时只注意躲避涌浪,没想到泵船的钢缆会断。

| 赶海的孩子们赤着脚踝在浅滩上合着大海的节奏,趁着涌浪间歇的那阵去捡拾大海的馈赠,在他们小小的铅桶里装着贝、装着蟹、装着他们的欢笑。

| 前面山高林密,大风吹过,万木倾伏,有如大海里卷起飓风。刹时间,波涌浪翻,轰轰声响不绝。

| 但是在那洞口可以看到,里面刮着飓风,不,准确的说是在向着里面刮着,有如大海里卷起飓风一般,刹时间,波涌浪翻,轰轰声响不绝。

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