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发布时间:2021-12-09 15:37:05

Should I arrive on time or a little later if someone invites me to dinner? (改为同义句) 下面就来看下今天小编给大家带来的两个句子都变为牧使句的同义句(英语同义句转换器) 此外,文章还提供了更多相关的文章如英语同义句转换在线翻译器

| “ Can you go and get some tea?” he asked me.

| Should I arrive on time or a little later if someone invites me to dinner? (改为同义句)

| My uncle left the room. he said nothing to us.

| French is not the first language in any of these countries.

| Maria asked me to go to her birthday party yesterday.(改为否定句)

| 意思相反的词或短语之间的转换。

| 直接引语与间接引语之间的转换。

| How about playing basketball with us? ===______ ______play football with us?

| 一些常见句型及惯用法之间的转换。

| They kept on talking until the teacher came in. (改为同义句)

| Wei Hua joined the League three years ago. ====

| There’s a lot of bird food here to last for two months.

| They prefer Chinese food to Japanese food.

| Mike's parents have lived in Australia for over ten years.

| He doesn’t do any other things. He is only on internet.

| We shouldn't talk loudly in the theater. We shouldn't smoke there, either.(保持句意不变)

| Something is wrong with that machine.===The machine .

| I spend half an hour doing morning exercises every day.(改为同义句)

| You must clean your bedroom every day.=== Your bedroom every day.

| 动词不定式与宾语从句之间的转换。

| It was very late. John was still doing his lessons.

| She paid 400 yuan for the new bike. ===The new bike_______ ______400 yuan.

| The doctor told him to stop smoking.

| Mr. Smith took a bus to work last year. ===Mr. Smith to work last year.

| He spent 150 yuan for the shoes.===He 150 yuan the shoes.

| I won’t pass the exam if you don’t help. ==I won’t pas s the exam ______ your_______.

| To plant trees every year is necessary for us.

| How many people are there in France.

| By comparing with others, you will find your problems are not so terrible.(划线部分提问)

| It took him an hour to write the letter. ===He _______an hour_______the letter.

| Mrs White told Tom that he mustn't throw paper on the ground.

| We came home when it was six o’clock.

| I love music. The music has beautiful lyrics. ===I love music beautiful lyrics.

| It seems that he has had a cold.

| John is on the football team. Ann is on the football team, too.

| All the students have passed the maths exam except Bill.

| They knew everything only after you told him. == They knew______ ______ you told him.

| He doesn’t know much Japanese. ==He ______ only a______Japanese.

| The reporter asked the girl, “Do you like your volunteer work on weekends?” (改为间接引语)

| The moon is not as big as the earth.=== The earth is the moon.

| Han Meimei studies maths well. ====Han Meimei is maths.

| I am surprised to find great changes have taken place in China.(改为同义句)

| He was foolish to do such a thing.== he was to do such a thing!

| There are more people in China than in India.

| He didn't know the other people's idea because he didn't come to the meeting.

| Father Christmas comes from a real person in history.

| Mary works very hard at school. Her teacher often praises her.

| The snow was very heavy last night.===It last night.

| You must remember to write a letter to your father this Sunday.

| It’s time for supper.===It’s time supper.

| The twins are of medium height. (对画线部分提问)

| “Have you finished your homework?” she asked me.

| Lucy isn’t at home, Lily isn’t at home either.

| too…to.., not…enough…, so…that…(not)等句型的相互转换。

| James spent an hour on his homework last night.

| Jim didn’t visit the museum yesterday. He stayed at home.

| You can play basketball after school.

| Our school organizes an English speech contest once a year. (对划线部分提分)

| We hold the International Kite Festival in Weifang every year.

| 简单句、并列句和复合句之间的转换。

| Let’s play with snowball, shall we?==== playing with snowball?

| I think the yellow orange is more delicious than the green one.

| You should finish the work at the end of the week. (改为被动语态)

| Alice has a tennis racket. (改为一般疑问句)

| Please don’t make our room dirty.

| His grandpa died four years ago.====His grandpa four years.

| The little girl wanted to know when her father could take her to Paris.

| I think your answer is wrong. === I your answer is .

| 形式主语(宾语)it 与真正主语(宾语)之间的转换。

| Shall we have a picnic at the weekend? (改为同义句)

| Miss Gao : Lucy, do you come from the USA?

| Bruce has art lessons twice a week.(对划线部分提问)

| The nurse does all the housework in my home every day.(改为一般疑问句)

| Li Lei received a letter from his aunt last week.===Li Lei his aunt last week.

| He is not sure who to ask for help.===He is not sure who ask for help.

| There are more people in this city than in that city.

| Chinese is the most popular of all the subjects.

| He was made to work 14 hours a day by them..==They 14 hours a day.

| Lin Tao runs fastest in his class.=== runs faster than Lin Tao in his class.

| The new high-speed Hangzhou-Shanghai line started running last year. It cost about 29

| We have never seen such an exciting movie before.

| This book has nothing to do with English.

| Why do you stay at home?”my father asked.(把直接引语改为间接引语)

| There’s nobody but a passenger in the bus.

| The picture was usually put up in the park near the playground.

| Do remember to lock the door when you leave.

| He spent 50 yuan on the T-shirt.=== The T-shirt 50 yuan.

| 同一词的不同词性之间的转换。

| Which is your favourite month?

| The jacket cost so little that he bought it.

| My sister prefers reading to going shopping.

| The girl is very lovely. === she is!

| 祈使句+and/ or +陈述句与if状语从句的转换。

| They heard her sing a song at the party.=== She a song at the party.

| The words on the notice board are very small. I can’t see them clearly.

| Where have you been?====Where you just now?

| The story happened in 1937. == The story _________ ________ in 1937.

| He can’t catch the bus if he doesn’t run fast.

| The ice on the lake was so thin that people couldn’t skate on it.

| This book isn’t as interesting as that one.

| The students will learn the group dance on the school playground. (对画线部分提问)

| 介词短语、动词(短语)之间的转换。

| Bob’s lonely because it’s difficult for him to make friends.

| Mary will leave France when it gets cold.

| Liz was born in 1997. So was Li Lei.==Liz is Li Lei.

| The girl with a flower in her hand is my sister. (改为含定语从句的复合句)

| You can finish these exercises in class, or you can finish them after class.

| There are 3000 students in the school.

| It rains a lot here every summer.=== a lot of here every summer.


| The film began five minutes ago. The film has been _____ _____ five minutes. 分析:答案为on for。

| Now I will show you how to do the work. Now I will show you ______ ______ ______ do the work. 分析:答案为how you can。

| 运用反义词(组)的否定式进行转换 即用反义词或词组的否定式表达与原句相同的意思,主要考查学生对反义词(词组)的积累和换位思维的能力。

| 运用不同语态进行转换 即运用主动语态与被动语态的变化来转换同义词,但此时要特别注意时态、动词一致性。

| 运用不同引语进行转换 即将直接引语变为间接引语或将间接引语转换成直接引语。

| 运用并列句与复合句之间的转换 即将并列句变成同义的复合句或将复合句变成同义的并列句。

| You should put them back after you use them. You should put them back _____ _____ them. 分析:答案为after using。

| “Did you see her last week?” he said. He _______ _______ I had seen her the week _______. 分析:答案为asked if/ whether, before。

| 运用简单句与复合句之间的转换 即将简单句变成同义的复合句或将复合句变成同义的简单句。

| I think wealth is less important than health. I ___ think wealth is ___ important than health. 分析:答案为don't,more。

| Mr Li joined the Party twenty years ago. Mr Li _____ _____ _____ the Party for twenty years. 答案:has been in。

| 非延续性动词与延续性动词的相互转换 即非延续性动词与延续性动词进行转换,此时往往会涉及时态的变化。

| The teacher always takes good care of the children in the school. The teacher always_______ ______the children well in the school. 分析:答案为looks after。

| ③对特殊结构的句型和习惯表达要仔细斟酌。

| He was so excited that he couldn't go to sleep. He was ______ ______ ______ go to sleep. 分析:答案为too excited to。

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