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发布时间:2021-12-21 09:58:39

I will act to explain everything, will not let you feel sad and disappointed, in this I sincerely ask you to forgive, I will always love you!我会用行动来说明一切,不会再让你感到伤心与失望,在这我真诚的请你原谅,永远爱你的人! 下面就来看下今天小编给大家带来的总结有关于道歉的英语句子

| Like hands in the palm of your hands that feeling, and you want to love to the old, in life, forgive me once wild and unruly, love you!喜欢手被你握在掌心的那种感觉,想和你深爱到老,牵手一生,原谅我曾经的任性和刁蛮,爱你!

| I will act to explain everything, will not let you feel sad and disappointed, in this I sincerely ask you to forgive, I will always love you!我会用行动来说明一切,不会再让你感到伤心与失望,在这我真诚的请你原谅,永远爱你的人!

| I know I've done everything to break your heart, but now I know that I was wrong, I hope you can forgive me.我知道我以前所做的一切让你伤透了心,但现在我知道错了,希望你能够原谅我。

| Perhaps fate, we wouldn't hurt the most reluctant to hurt people, but, believe me, because I love you, let us cherish!也许是缘分,我们都不愿伤害最不愿伤害的人,但还是发生了,相信我,因为我爱你,让我们彼此好好珍惜!

| I know you're angry, and you were angry every time I am afraid, understand me, OK? Forgive me, okay?我知道你生气了,而且你每次生气我都好害怕,理解我,好吗?原谅我,好吗?

| I silence, because I am guilty; I am blind, but also because of my guilt; I trance, also because of my guilt; MY DEAR, I AM SORRY!我沉默,因为我内疚;我盲然,也因为我内疚;我恍惚,还因为我内疚;MY DEAR,I AM SORRY!

| I know you hate me, I was wrong, I know I was wrong, I really hope you forgive me, sorry! Honey.我知道你恨我,我错了,我知道我今天是真的错了,我真心的希望你原谅我,对不起!亲爱的!

| A I have a crazy heart, waiting for you to forgive! If you don't angry words can you give me a call to let me explain, okay?一个傻傻的我有一颗痴痴的心,在期待你的原谅!如果你不生气了的话能不能给我打个电话让我解释一下,好吗?

| Not let me hurt you. I was sorry! I hope you can understand, can give me a chance! To begin to accept me!无心让我伤害了你。我的心里也不好受!希望你能理解,可以给我一个改过的机会!重新开始接受我!

| I'm not angrywith you, like me, be of noble character and high prestige broad-minded people will forgive you still mad at me!我已经不再生你的气了,象我这样胸襟开阔、德高望重的人肯定会原谅你还在生我的气的!

| We start from a friend, I would like to before headstrong crazy.我们从朋友做起吧,我不会再向以前那样任性痴缠。

| My fault you can forgive? I really involuntarily ah, I hope you understand?我的过错你能够原谅吗?我真的身不由己啊,希望你谅解?

| Remember we used to have a sweet, all disappear in smoke gas. This is truly close, nothing could break our love for each other.想起我们曾经有过的甜蜜,所有的气都烟消云散了。这就是真正的亲密无间,任何东西都无法割断我们彼此的爱。

| Everything is my fault, I hurt your heart, I expect you to forgive! I'll love you forever, regardless of past, present and future!一切都是我的错,是我伤了你的心,我期待你的原谅!我永远爱你,不论过去现在和将来!

| I was wrong, I apologize to you, I do check, I write a review, I give you bow, bow to you, baby, please forgive me, I really did not mean it!我错了,我向你道歉,我做检查,我写检讨,我给你作揖,给你鞠躬了,宝贝,原谅我吧,我真的不是有心的!

| Always drunk to call you, let you sad, I was not good. Forgive me?总是在喝醉后给你打电话,让你伤心难过,是我不好。原谅我好吗?

| Not let me hurt you. I was sorry! I regret! I hope you can give me a chance! Love you forever!无心让我伤害了你。我的心里也不好受!我悔恨万分!希望你能给我一个改过的机会!永远爱你!

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