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发布时间:2021-12-24 11:57:45

The family then may be called the first model of political societies.因而,我们不妨认为家庭是政治社会的原始模型。 下面就来看下今天小编给大家带来的家庭因素的句子

| Influence of the hereditary and family factor on children blood lead concentration;遗传易感性及家庭因素对儿童血铅浓度影响

| The family then may be called the first model of political societies.因而,我们不妨认为家庭是政治社会的原始模型。

| Study of family factors affecting psychological health of primary students and the intervention;影响小学生心理健康的家庭因素与干预的研究现状

| Premorbid family factors of adolescent depression patients;青少年抑郁障碍患者病前家庭因素研究

| The Reason of Child Behavior problem and Family Intervention;儿童行为问题产生的原因及家庭干预

| factors caused by the family家庭成因

| By mixing work with family,究其原因,电讯家庭办公模糊了办公与家庭的界限,

| The family had pared down their monthly expenses for certain reasons由于某些原因,那个家庭减少了每月开支。

| Society 2. Family 3. School 4. Psychology and Physiology.1社会原因。2 家庭原因 。3学校原因。4心理生理原因。

| To see why, consider how trade affects your family.为了说明原因,我们考虑贸易如何影响你的家庭。

| We know a lot about what makes families fail; we need toknow more about what make them succeed. " Letters poured in.我们知道许多家庭不幸的原因;我们想更多地了解家庭幸福的原因。”回信雪片般飞来。

| Family factors should be considered in CI candidacy selection;选择人工耳蜗植入手术应考虑的家庭因素

| Discusses the Minor Crime Shallowly the Family Reason and in Prevention Countermeasure;浅探未成年人犯罪的 家庭原因 及预防对策

| Ever-increasing traffic and household fires are blamed for the pollution.汽车尾气和家庭取暖是造成污染的主要原因。

| Losing Standardization of Family Ethics: An Important Cause of Juvenile Delinquency;家庭伦理失范:青少年犯罪的重要原因

| The Situation,Reasons And Countermeasures Of Family Violence Against Women;妇女遭受家庭暴力的现状、原因与对策

| Parents choose home schooling for several reasons.父母们选择家庭教学有以下几个原因:



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