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发布时间:2021-12-24 17:41:53

This dress looks good on you. 下面就来看下今天小编给大家带来的表扬别人的英文口语好的句子

| The food is delicious.

| This dress looks good on you.

| You are an amazing friend./You are such a good friend.

| You're a great listener.

| I love your cooking.

| You look so healthy.

| Your hair looks amazing.

| As long as we are together, the destination does not matter.

| You look great today.

| Keep up the good work!

| You are just perfect!

| Your strength of character impresses me.

| Can you share your salad recipe with me?

| You look like a million dollars.

| We're so proud of you.

| Your work on that project was incredible.

| That's a very nice hairdo you're wearing.

| We two make a lovely couple.

| You did a great job.

| We're proud of you.

| I am impressed.

| Well, a good teacher makes good student.

| You inspire me.

| I love/like your nails.

| You have really pretty eyes.

| You have a good taste.

| You read a lot.

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