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发布时间:2021-12-25 16:42:57

The number of book steal from the library is large. 图书馆 遗失的书很多。 下面就来看下今天小编给大家带来的图书馆的单词组句子

| There are not so many books in this library as in that one.这个 图书馆 的书不如那个 图书馆 的多。

| The number of book steal from the library is large. 图书馆 遗失的书很多。

| circulating libraryph.1. 巡回 图书馆

| Solutions of library environmental management; 图书馆 环境管理对策探析

| Discussion on the Concepts of Network Library;Digital Library and Virtual Library浅谈网络 图书馆 、数字 图书馆 、虚拟 图书馆 的概念

| The cause and prevention measure of fire in the library ; 图书馆 电气火灾成因及预防措施

| Problems and Barriers on the Building Together and Enjoying Together of the Information Resources of the Libraries in Hubei Professional Colleges;湖北省高职高专 图书馆 资源共建共享工作面临的问题与障碍

| Investigation and Study on Application of Library 2.0 in Chinese University Libraries:Library 2.0 in Librarians' Opinion 图书馆 2.0在高校 图书馆 的应用调研―― 图书馆 员眼中的 图书馆 2.0

| Government Librarians Association政府 图书馆 馆长协会

| Libraries call the shelves "the stacks". 图书馆 把书架叫做书库。

| Factors and Countermeasures to Make Good Use of Library Collection ;充分利用 图书馆 馆藏的制约因素及其对策

| Central Library in Taibei台北“中央 图书馆 ”

| The number of books stolen from the library is large. 图书馆 遗失的书很多.

| Library collection in university and innovating education――taking Hunan agricultural university library for example高校 图书馆 馆藏与创新教育――以湖南农业大学 图书馆 为例

| A few books have been lost from the library. 图书馆 丢失了几本书。

| Library book图书馆图书

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