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发布时间:2022-01-05 12:02:22

回忆如同破碎的琉璃,粉碎在明媚的幽蓝里。 下面就来看下今天小编给大家带来的希望大家都好的句子英语(有什么比较好的英文句子) 此外,文章还提供了更多相关的文章如英文的好句子

| 春雨绵绵,像花针,如细丝,密密的斜织着。

| 回忆如同破碎的琉璃,粉碎在明媚的幽蓝里。

| 爱情是一首美好的歌,但它不容易谱写成功。

| 何必多情,何必痴情,花若多情,早已凋谢。

| 青春的爱情,我们要如何守护才能不被终结。

| 到最后,心这样空了,美好的都叫做了曾经。

| 会不会有人,就算把命丢掉也不会把我丢掉。

| 嫁给我是你唯一的赌注,我怎么舍得让你输。

| 我住的城市从不下雪,记忆却堆满冷的感觉。

| 很想很想告诉你,我所爱的人就是这样的你。


| It is never too late to have a happy childhood,but the second one is up to you and no one eles拥有一个快乐的童年永远都不晚。这取决于你而不是别人。

| Adversity is a good discipline苦难是磨练人的好机会。

| Little things amuse little minds 小人无大志。

| give more than you planned to多多给予,不必计较。

| All that truly matters in the end is that you loved最后真正最重要的是自己曾经爱过。

| Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well任何值得做的,就把它做好。

| In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count It’s the life in your years到头来,你活了多少岁不算什么,重要的是,你是如何度过这些岁月的。

| Perseverance can sometimes equal genius in its results毅力在效果上有时能同天才相比。

| The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today对明天做好的准备就是今天做到最好!

| live well, love lots, and laugh often善待生活,热爱一切,经常开怀大笑。

| Great oaks from little acorns grow万丈高楼平地起。

| The best is yet to come这只是开始,好的还在后头呢。

| Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally如果你想要成功,不要去追求成功;尽管做你自己热爱的事情并且相信它,成功自然到来。

| The most important sex organ is the brain最重要的性器官其实是我们的脑袋。

| Life is but a hard and tortuous journey人生即是一段艰难曲折的旅程,人生无坦途。

| Only those who have the patience to do simple things perfectly ever acquire the skill to do difficult things easily只有有耐心圆满完成简单工作的人,才能够轻而易举的完成困难的事。

| You make the failure complete when you stop trying当你停止尝试的时候,你就完全失败了。

| believe in yourself相信自己!

| For man is man and master of his fate 人就是人,是自己命运的主人。 ——佚名

| Don't part with your illusions When they are gone you may still exist , but you have ceased to live(Mark Twain , American writer)不要放弃你的幻想。当幻想没有了以后,你还可以生存,但是你虽生犹死。((美国作家 马克·吐温)

| Everything ought to be beautiful in a human being: face, and dress, and soul, and ideas人的一切——面貌衣着心灵和思想,都应该是美好的。

| Like father, like son 有其父必有其子

| Life is painting a picture, not doing a sum生活是绘画,不是做算术。

| Live a noble and honest life Reviving past times in your old age will help you to enjoy your life again过一种高尚而诚实的生活。当你年老时回想起过去,你就能再一次享受人生。

| No matter how you feel,get up dress up and show up不管你感觉如何,起来,打扮好,展现自己。

| Life is a leaf of paper white, there on each of us may write his word or two生活就像一张白纸,每个人都可以在其上写上自己的一两句话。

| measure for measure针锋相对。

| Misfortune tests the sincerity of friends 患难见真情。

| Life is a horse, and either you ride it or it rides you人生像一匹马,你不驾驭它,它便驾驭你。

| Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。

| Success often depends upon knowing how long it will take to succeed成功常常取决于知道需要多久才能成功。


| 什么社团,那不就是男生泡女生的地方。

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