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发布时间:2022-01-06 14:24:23

take~care~of I'll always take care~of you . 下面就来看下今天小编给大家带来的it读句子的时候怎么发音

| Good morning!=Goo(d)-morning!

| take~care~of I'll always take care~of you .

| At last, we made it to his party.=A(t) last, we made it to his party.

| Put the book on the desk.=Pu(t)-the book on the desk.

| Please give~him a hand!

| I don't care.=I don'(t) -care.

| Good luck!=Goo(d)-luck!

| 一般需要重读的词(实词/关键词):

| far~away It's not far~away from here.

| You look fantastic.=You loo(k)-fantastic.

| I'd like a room with a good view.=I'd like a room with a goo(d) view.

| stand~up Stand~up and stretch for a while.

| Stop talking!=Sto(p)-talking!

| I had a bad cold.=I had a ba(d)-cold.

| 一句话中相邻的两个单词,前一个单词以辅音结尾,后一个单词以元音开始,拼读成“辅音+元音”。

| I haven't read the book.=I haven'(t)-read the book.

| She is one of my old friends.=She is one of my ol(d)-friends.

| 六个爆破音中任意两个相遇,一个爆破音后紧跟着另一个爆破音时,前面一个音点到为止,形成阻碍,但不发生爆破;第二个音完全爆破;若第二个爆破音在词尾,则必须轻化。

| put~it~on Here's your sweater. Put~it~on.

| I am quite sure that you will win.=I am qui(te) sure that you will win.

| in~an~hour I should be there in~an~hour.

| Wish you a great success!=Wish you a grea(t)-success!



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