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发布时间:2022-01-12 15:57:32


下面就来看下今天小编给大家带来的生意上常用的英语句子(经营生意的英文短语) 此外,文章还提供了更多相关的文章如经营生意英语短语

| 一分利能致富,十分利走绝路。


| 8 This is our common desire.

| 10 I've read about it, but I'd like to know more about it.

| 4 When I present my views on the competitive products, I will refer to the patent situation.

| 10 By the way, before leaving this subject, I would like to add a few comments.

| 1 Your desire coincides with ours.

| 2 No wonder you're so experienced.

| 3 First of all, I will outline the characteristics of our product.

| 5 Please proceed with your presentation.

| 9 If you are interested, I will prepare a list of them.

| 6 I hope to conclude some business with you.

| 7 Has your company done any research in this field?

| 9 I think you probably know China has adopted a flexible policy in her foreign trade.

| 3 Textile business has become more and more difficult since the competition grew.

| 6 Yes, we have been interested in new system.

| 7 We also hope to expand our business with you.

| 4 Could I have your latest catalogues or something that tells me about your company?

| 2 I would like to present our comments in the following order.

| 8 Yes, we have done a little. But we have just started and have nothing to show you.


| The price will go down.价格将会降低.

| 一般不说:What do you want?因为这样问显得无礼.

| I heard other stores having great mark-downs on this item.我听说别的商店这种商品正在大降价.

| I want to get a pair of sunglasses.我想买一副太阳镜.

| The coat is nice and warm.这件衣服很暖和.

| May I help you?您买东西吗?

| Is there anything I can do for you?

| Can you give me the invoice?你能给我发票吗?

| How much is it?它要多少钱?

| How are you going to pay?Cash,check or charge?你打算怎样付款,现金、支票,还是赊帐?

| Do you have this in blue?这件有蓝色的吗?

| What size do you want?/What size,please?你要什么尺码的?

| Cash back?要现金找头吗?

| what a deal!多便宜!

| How do you like this pattern?你觉得这种款式怎么样?

| It's a little overpriced.有点贵.

| I'd buy this if it were cheaper.如果再便宜一点我就买.

| How about the colour?这颜色怎么样?

| Do you know what size you are?你知道自己穿多大好吗?

| What about the green one?那件绿色的怎么样?

| Do you have this in stock?这个还有存货吗?

| I am looking for a red coat.我想买一件红衣服.

| May/Can I help you?您想买点什么?

| How much,please?请问要多少钱?

| The trousers are the fashion now.这种裤子现在正流行.

| What colour do you want?/What colour,please?你要什么颜色的?

| Where is the men's shop?男装柜台在哪?

| That is a steal.这是廉价品.

| We have a clearance sale today.我们今天请仓大处理.

| Please try it on.请试穿一下.

| I'd like to have a pair of black trousers.我想买条黑裤子.

| What's the price of it?这个多少钱?

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