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发布时间:2022-02-04 11:15:12

Scholars Friendly Exchange in Eighteenth Century between Korea and Qing Dynasty;18世纪中韩文人学士之间的 友好交流 下面就来看下今天小编给大家带来的有关国际友好交流的句子

| make friends交朋支,友好相处

| Scholars Friendly Exchange in Eighteenth Century between Korea and Qing Dynasty;18世纪中韩文人学士之间的 友好交流

| Frequent cultural exchange will certainly help foster friendly relations between our two universities.经常的文化交流肯定有助于发展我们两校之间的友好关系。

| Little intermeddling makes good friends.少管闲事,好交朋友。

| He is affiliated with good fellows .他与好人交朋友。

| Friendly exchange友好交流

| Friendly contacts between different peoples facilitate the cultural and economic interchange.各国人民的友好接触促进文化和经济交流。

| A stateless penalty algorithm for non-TCP friendly flow ;一种对非TCP友好流的实用无状态惩罚算法

| Research on Problems and Strategic Choices about Communication between International Friendship Cities;国际友好城市交流的问题与对策研究

| I hope this communication will be a good start of our cooperation and our friendship.我希望这次技术交流将是我们合作和友谊的良好开端。

| A Study on the Exchanges and Cooperation with Sister-Hospitals Abroad浅议我院与国外友好医院的交流合作

| Peace,Friendship and Exchange Initiative和平、友好与交流倡议

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