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发布时间:2022-02-05 13:26:35

代词we, you, they 有时可用于泛指一般人。 下面就来看下今天小编给大家带来的第一人称单数和复数的句子(第一人称单数和复数分别是什么) 此外,文章还提供了更多相关的文章如第一人称单数在线阅读

| 指代国家、城市、地球、船舶、(雌性)动物等时,一般用代词 it,但也可用she / her(带感情色彩) 。

| 代词we, you, they 有时可用于泛指一般人。


| What’s ________ name? (you / your ) _________ name is Bob. ( My / I / me)

| 一个动作经常反复地发生,就用一般现在时。第三人称单数(he, she , it, Tom等)作主语,谓语动词要加″s″ 或″es″,这种动词形式简称为单三动,记住:单三人称单三动,其它人称用原型。如:

| 一般情况下加s get—gets like---likes

| Mr Green wants ______________ ( buy ) a new watch .

| My name’s Bob.

| Miss Li ____________(teach) English in our school.

| Her favorite subject is science.

| Her basketball is 5 dollars.

| Can Tom play _____ piano? Yes, he can.

| Do you want to see _____ action movie? No, I want to play _____ chess.

| Can you help kids with _____________(swim)?

| I ____________ ( not ,like) playing computer games.

| 我朋友的生日聚会__________________

| 汤姆的背包________________

| He has many ice cream for breakfast._______________________________

| Who ________ your brother?

| This is a bus . 2) She has a nice dress.

| The girl has two broccoli for lunch. ________________________________

| Here’s _____ interetsing family photo.

| Where __________ my books﹖

| 你们的弟弟有网球拍吗?不,他没有。

| We __________friends.

| You __________ a good student.

| A:What’s twelve and three?

| __________your mother _________(have) a baseball bat?

| 前不加a/an、数字、many、a few,后不加s

| Where/What)are your baseball?

| It’s nine o’clock.

| A: Let’s play _____ soccer. B: I don’t have _____ soccer ball.

| ___________(be) you twelve?

| Those pens are in _____ pencil case.

| Do you have _____ pingpong bat? Yes, I do.

| My grandfather _____________(play) sports in the park.

| He and I _________friends.

| 戴维和保罗的两个家庭_________________________

| __________ you __________( have) a soccer ball﹖

| They are Japaneses. ______________________________________________

| play, my, the, piano, well, can, grandfather(.)

| The pants are nice. I’ll take _________.

| 男士手表_______________ 8. 一张吉姆家的全家照___________________

| 肯定句:主语+be(am/is/are)+…

| Can you help ______ ?( we / us / our) Please take ______ to school. ( they / their / them)

| The running star wants to eat healthy food.

| 你可以______________ 5.你的电话号码______________

| 否定句:主语+be(am/is/are)+not+…

| A photo is on the wall. 8) That is a banana.

| I want to ________ a teacher.

| tennis, like, but, doesn’t, Jim, he, volleyball, likes(.)

| What is it? It’s _____ w.

| Nick wants to join the swimming club.

| Does Bill like _____hamburgers? No, he doesn’t.

| Who helps you ____________(look) after your daughter at home?

| 填空:(在有必要的地方填上冠词,不填的划“/ ”)

| We go to school in the morning.

| Where _______(be) the two volleyballs?

| We go to bed at ten o’clock.

| Mary and Tom ___________ students.

| __________ Your brother ___________(have) a son?

| Are/Do)they want to see a movie?

| This is an English book.

| I want ____________(join) the soccer club.

| Why does Alice (likes/like)music?8、Who (am/is) your father?

| I (don’t/doesn’t)like hamburgers.

| Can ________(you / your ) do _______ (you / your ) homework?

| My birthday is October1st.

| He can ____________(do) Chinese Kung fu.

| Mrs Jones ___________(watch) TV on weekends.

| Dave’s favorite food is ice cream.

| 你想买一条蓝色的短裤吗?不,我不想。

| Let’s _____________( sing) an English song.

| My mother wants_______________(buy) a sweater.

| A: Who is that girl?

| 我们晚餐吃汉堡、花椰菜冰淇淋。

| The backpacks are black.

| 他有________________

| They have vegetables for lunch.

| A: Is Alan your friend?

| How much __________ the socks?

| help +人+动词原形help+人+with sth /doing sth.

| This is _____ my English book.

| I _________ (know) the boy.

| two, has, she, and, sisters, brother, a(.)

| 一些工作________________ 许多作业_______________

| I’m his uncle.

| Rick Smith is my favorite actor.

| 五门学科_______________ 三部电影_______________

| like及介词后动词用ing形式,如:be good at swimming, help kids with singing,

| They like playing _____ football. My favorite subject is _____ P.E. .

| What time _________Mr. Brown ___________(take) a shower?

| I think they’re interesting. (改否定句)

| May I _____________(know) your address?

| Lucy and Lily like sports.

| That _____ (be ) is his family photo.

| Jim’s mother is _____ Mrs Green. She is _____ teacher.

| We can see much clothes in the store. ________________________________

| What/What’s) her favorite subject?10、How much (are/is) her socks?

| My mother’s favorite color is blue.

| A:Can you speak Japanese?

| Scott likes history.

| He likes documentaries.

| _________Jim and Tom _________(like) hamburgers?

| __________ is thirteen years old. __________ birthday is March 1st. (He / His / Him)

| His friend ___________________( like, play) computer games.

| Alicia and Jerry ______________ (do) homework after school.

| 特殊变化:man→men,woman→women

| Bob likes ______________(watch) TV.

| 一些动作片______________ 许多手表_______________

| Jerry’s teacher can play chess.

| Who ______________ ( teach ) English in your school ?

| The student does a few homework every day. _________________________

| Do/Does)Mary have a clock?

| What’s that? It’s _____ alarm clock.

| My father ___________ ( go ) to bed at 10:00 every evening .

| John often helps his mother___________(do) the housework.

| She wants to see Beijing Opera.

| I have some apple. _______________________________________________

| When _________ your uncle’s birthday?

| Rick often goes to see _____ Beijing Opera _____ weekends.

| This __________ an apple.

| They are fine.

| Alicia is my aunt.

| 他们唱歌___________ 20.他们旧电脑_______________21.画出它们__________

| Her sister ____________(have) Chinese every day.

| 四辆公共汽车____________

| 以o结尾,加es:tomatoes、patotoes

| 以辅音字母加y结尾的,改y为i,加es carry---carries

| You can _________ in our school music club.

| A: Does Cindy like salad?

| They __________(go) to work on Saturdays.

| We can __________(sing) English songs.

| A: What’s this / that ?

| It’s December.30th.today.

| She _____________(like) fish ,but she _______________ ( not like ) meat .

| The students of Class Four ___________(sing) a song on Monday.

| _________ erasers are in ________drawer. (her / she / Her / She)

| Mary _______________ (not come) from America.

| My friend gets up at five o’clock.

| It is an action movie. 10) I am a student.

| let后用动词原形Let’s play soccer.

| 谢谢你_____________

| sister, is, she, your(?)

| 单复数词形:sheep、Chinese、Japanese

| 我们最喜爱的水果_____________________ 18.加入我们_________

| 露西和莉莉家的书橱_________________________

| A: What are these / those ?

| 听他说_____________ 10. 她喜欢它。____________ 11.她全家照______________ 12.帮助她____________ 13. 它吃________________ 14.它名字______________

| A: How much are his shoes?

| What’s this? It’s _____ clock.

| The child is good at ____________(play) chess.

| Lily 和Lucy 有一个大房间。

| That _____ (be ) is his family photo. 16.We can __________(sing) English songs.

| 你的电话号码______________ 8.他的姓氏_____________ 10. 她喜欢它。____________ 11.她全家照______________ 12.帮助她 14.它名字______________

| This is _____ my English book. 11. Where is _____ bag? It’s under _____ table. 12. I often go to _____ school at _____ 7:00.

| 我们最喜爱的水果_____________________ (二) 选词填空: 1. What’s ________ name? (you / your ) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

| 一般现在时 1、Be 动词的一般现在时 Be动词要根据句中主语的人称和数而变化。它有三种形式:am, is , are am 跟在 I 后面, is 跟单数主语,are跟复数主语及单数 You 后面。如: I am a teacher. My brother is at school.

| _________Jim and Tom _________(like) hamburgers? 13. What kind of movies ________your grandfather ___________(want) to see? 14. Where _______(be) the two volleyballs?

| Do/Does)Mary have a clock? 4、(Are/Do)they want to see a movie? 5、(Is/Can)she play the violin? 6、I (don’t/doesn’t)like hamburgers.

| 看见它____________

| 七年级( 七年级(上)重点短语回顾 Units 1-6

它吃的是_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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