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发布时间:2022-02-07 13:54:11

This is a classical movie from Disney.这是来自于迪士尼的经典 动画影片 。 下面就来看下今天小编给大家带来的动画英语电影中的句子

| London International Animation Film Festival伦敦国际动画片电影节

| This is a classical movie from Disney.这是来自于迪士尼的经典 动画影片 。

| Impact of Culture Connotation in Animation on the Socialization of Minor;动画片中的文化注入对未成年人社会化的影响

| The Influence of the Fictitious existence in Drama to the Movie and Animation ;试论戏剧的虚拟性对影视动画创作的影响

| Some Experience of the Scene Transformation Effect for 3D Animation Movie;关于三维 动画影片 转场效果的几点体会

| Modern commercial animation film现代商业动画影片

| The Characteristic of Film in Animation动画片中的影视性

| Cartoon movies have their special mechanism of artistic genesis. 动画影片 具有独特的艺术生成机制。

| The Importance of Key Expressions in Animation Movies浅析原画表达在 动画影片 设计中的重要性

| The Designing Strategy of Personi ed Performance Art of Animals in Animations 动画影片 中动物拟人表演艺术的设计策略

| Research on Modern Commercial Animation Film Brand Building Mode;现代商业 动画影片 的品牌化塑造模式研究

| The Influence of the Cartoon From America and Japan onto the Chinese Youngsters;美、日动画片对我国青少年的文化影响

| This has influenced the creation of the domestic cartoon directly.这就直接影响了国内动画片的创作。

| automated animation动画片, 自动制片

| animated film动画电影

| On the foundation of Skopos Theory,this article explores dubbing translation of animated movie .本文以功能翻译学派中的目的论为理论框架,从译者的视角论述电影动画片的配音翻译。

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