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发布时间:2022-03-04 14:05:56

It’s always the same faces at these parties. 下面就来看下今天小编给大家带来的聚会时说的英语句子(关于聚会的英语表达) 此外,文章还提供了更多相关的文章如聚会活动英语、关于朋友聚会的句子唯美

| You should slow down with the drinking.

| It’s always the same faces at these parties.

| Do you know anybody at this party?

| Can you tell me where the bathroom is?

| Did anyone invite that guy?

| I’m going to have some fun while I’m here.

| I’m tired, so I’m going home.

| I think we’re out of beer.

| Should I go talk to that girl over there?

| I think some people are leaving to go to another party.

| These parties are always so popular.

| It’s too crowded to push my way through to the kitchen.


| To me, it seems like the streets are always full of drunks at this time of year.

| I don't know why you're in such a big hurry. These parties are always the same.

| I've been looking forward to your party.

| There will be a party at my place on Saturday. Would you like to come?

| I am not a good cook, but I would bring you something really special.

| I think I'll have a beer, if you have any.

| 01-07 | 已帮助:785 人


| Annual dinner 年会


| iheardthenature'scall.我听到自然的呼唤.但凡各种生理上的反应我们都可以称它是nature'scall,如想上卫生间,肚子饿,或是看到美女,你都可以自嘲,iheardthenature'scall.所以端视不同的情况而有不同的意思.但是一般情况下比较常用的还是指上卫生间比较多。

| areyouguysok?你们都还好吧?通常你去别人家里玩,主人有时看你太无聊就会走过来问你,areyouguysok?或是你去餐厅用餐时侍者也常会走过来过你,areyouguysok?当然这就只是一种礼貌性地询问,看看你有没有需要些什么东西。

| i'llwalkyouout.我带你出去。

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