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发布时间:2022-03-04 15:16:08

Tell me the time when the winter Olympic Games began.你们说 冬奥会 是什么时候开始的呢? 下面就来看下今天小编给大家带来的冬奥会胜利的句子英语

| Analysis on Chinese Female Athletes Willpower Level in Freestyle Skiing Aerials in the 20th Winter Olympic Games ;参加第20届 冬奥会 自由式滑雪空中技巧中国队女运动员意志品质水平分析

| Tell me the time when the winter Olympic Games began.你们说 冬奥会 是什么时候开始的呢?

| alternating winter and summer.冬季奥运会与夏季奥运会交替进行。

| Strength Comparative Research on China and Foreign Countries of Women Aerials Priority Athletes Selected Preparing for Olympic Winter Games in Vancouver;备战温哥华 冬奥会 中外女子空中技巧重点选手实力比较研究

| Comparison of performances of China and Korea at five Winter Olympic Games and reasons for Korea s success;第16―20届 冬奥会 中、韩两国成绩对比及韩国制胜之道分析

| Injury Prevention for Pairs Skaters of Chinese Figure Skating Team in the Prepartation of the 20th Olympic Winter Games ;备战第20届 冬奥会 国家花样滑冰队双人滑运动员伤病防治

| Bobsledding has also been an Olympic event since the first Winter Games in 1924.雪橇运动也是从1924年 冬奥会 起成为奥运项目。

| Present Situation and Strategy on Chinese Male Team of Freestyle Aerials Preparing for the 21st Olympic Winter Games ;我国空中技巧男队备战第21届 冬奥会 的形势与对策初探

| Winter Olympics冬奥会

| Olympic Winter Games冬季奥林匹克运动会

| The Winter Olympic Games are usually held two years before the Summer Olympic Games.冬季奥运会通常是在夏季奥运会之前两年举行。

| Why was the International Olympic Committee initially reluctant to create the Olympic Winters?国际奥委会为什么最初难创办 冬奥会 ?

| Jeff: It seems that the Winter Olympic Games began in 1924.杰夫: 冬奥会 好像是1924年开始举办的吧?

| Summer Olympics and Winter Olympics.夏季奥运会和冬季奥运会。

| On the Olympic Spirits Shown in 2006 Torino Winter Olympic Games论2006都灵 冬奥会 展现出的奥林匹克精神

| Annie: We wish Chinese athletes achieved good results at the Winter Olympics this year.安妮:祝今年中国 冬奥会 取得好成绩!

| Turin Winter Olympic Games都灵冬奥会

| Winter Olympic冬奥会

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