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发布时间:2022-03-09 14:45:57

Poverty had left its mark. 贫穷 已留下深深的印记。 下面就来看下今天小编给大家带来的形容过去穷的英语句子

| getting rid of poverty摆脱贫穷

| Poverty had left its mark. 贫穷 已留下深深的印记。

| She lived in sore poverty.她过着极度 贫穷 的生活。

| Being in need;impoverished. 贫穷 的贫困的,极穷的

| His clothes argue poverty.他的衣服表明他 贫穷 。

| He was born poor and died poor.他生亦穷来死亦穷(他一生 贫穷 )。

| Rogged clothing infers poverty.破烂的衣服暗示 贫穷 。

| The contented man is never poor,“知足者永不 贫穷 ,

| When poverty comes in at the door, love flies out at the window. 贫穷 进门来,爱情越窗飞

| ralatively poverty相对贫穷

| impoverished county贫穷县

| Poverty Eradication, Employment and Youth Branch消除 贫穷 、就业和青年处

| Poverty inured the beggar to hardships 贫穷 使那乞丐苦惯了。

| Poverty is the reward of idleness 贫穷 是游手好闲的报应

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